6E Rewards

What is IndiGo BluChip?

We are thrilled to present IndiGo BluChip, our exciting new loyalty program! With IndiGo BluChip, you'll enjoy a world of rewards that are easy to earn, easy to burn, offering you more value on every IndiGo flight. Say goodbye to complexity and hello to the most hassle-free loyalty experience, with benefits designed just for you!

What’s new about IndiGo BluChip?

IndiGo BluChip is designed to make your loyalty experience smoother and more rewarding. With simplified tiers, lifetime validity, and no blackout days, you’ll unlock exclusive privileges as you fly, all while enjoying a program that’s truly hassle-free. Plus, the rewards are easy to earn and easy to burn—just the way you like it!

How do I join IndiGo BluChip?

If you're already a part of our 6E Rewards program, good news—you’ve automatically become a part of IndiGo BluChip! We’ve created a new IndiGo BluChip membership account just for you, so you can continue earning and redeeming IndiGo BluChip with ease. If you're new to IndiGo, you can sign up easily through our website or app and start enjoying the perks of your IndiGo BluChips right away.

How can I use my IndiGo BluChips?

It’s so easy! Simply use your IndiGo BluChip Membership ID when booking your next IndiGo flight to redeem your BluChips for rewards. With no blackout days and lifetime validity, the possibilities are endless! Redeem your BluChips whenever you like, and remember, it’s all about being easy to earn, easy to burn.

How can I access my IndiGo BluChip Account?

We will keep you informed about the process to access your account soon.

How do I earn IndiGo BluChips?

It’s simple! Every time you book an IndiGo flight, you’ll automatically earn IndiGo BluChips. Just quote your unique 9 – digit IndiGo BluChip Membership ID and watch your IndiGo BluChips stack up. It’s never been easier to collect IndiGo BluChips and redeem them for more exciting benefits!

Where can I view my IndiGo BluChip Membership Account information, such as Profile Details, Nominee Details, IndiGo BluChips Balance, etc.?

Members can view profile details and other related information by logging into their respective IndiGo BluChip Membership Accounts. Members should note that their profile details and nominee details will remain the same as those provided for the 6E Rewards Program.

What should I do if I encounter issues with my IndiGo BluChip Membership Account?

If you experience any issues with your IndiGo BluChip Membership Account, please contact our customer support team for assistance at +91 124 6173838, +91 124 4973838  Email: customer.experience@goindigo.in

Our customer support team will work to resolve any such issues as soon as possible.

How and where can I redeem these IndiGo BluChips?

IndiGo BluChips can be redeemed on any IndiGo marketed and operated flight, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the IndiGo BluChip Program.

What happens to my 6E Rewards account and balance?

Access to your 6E Rewards account remains unaltered and the 6E Rewards balance remains unchanged. 6E Rewards earned towards spends on your 6E Reward cobrand credit card will continue to be credited to your 6E Rewards account and will be available for use, in accordance with 6E Rewards terms and conditions, until further notice.

Will my existing 6E Rewards redemptions be affected?

Not at all! All your existing redemption bookings made using 6E Rewards will remain unaffected. However please note that the benefits of 6E Rewards program including redemptions cannot be combined with IndiGo BluChip Program.

What will happen to my existing vouchers?

All your existing vouchers shall remain valid within their respective validity periods and be used in accordance with the respective terms and conditions associated with each voucher.

How will I get a refund if I cancel a booking made using 6E Rewards?

Any 6E Rewards due for credit against such canceled bookings will be re credited to your 6E Rewards account.

Will I have access to my IndiGo BluChip account and my 6E Rewards account , post activation of my IndiGo BluChip account ?

Yes, you have been pre-registered into the IndiGo BluChip Program. You will soon receive details guiding you to activate your IndiGo BluChip Membership Account. Once you activate your IndiGo BluChip Membership Account, you can quote your unique 9-digit BluChip Membership ID to start earning and redeeming IndiGo BluChips on all your IndiGo flights.

Your access to the 6E Rewards account remains unaltered and the 6E Rewards balance remains unchanged. Any existing redemption bookings using 6E Rewards also remains unaffected.

Can I use my Co-Branded Card to earn 6E Rewards, post activation of my IndiGo BluChip Membership Account?

Yes, you can continue to use your existing Co-Branded Card post activation of your IndiGo BluChip Membership Account. 6E Rewards earned towards spends on your 6E Reward cobrand credit card will continue to be credited to your 6E Rewards account and will be available for use in accordance with existing 6E Rewards terms and conditions until further notice.

Can I combine 6E Rewards program benefits with IndiGo BluChip Program?

6E Rewards program benefits including redemptions, cannot be combined with IndiGo BluChip Program.

Can I convert 6E Rewards to IndiGo BluChips?

6E Rewards cannot be converted to IndiGo BluChips.

Under the 6E Rewards Program, the validity of 6E Rewards was 24 months. What will the validity of IndiGo BluChips be?

IndiGo BluChips have a lifetime validity , in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the IndiGo BluChip Program.

What is 6E Rewards Program?

6E Rewards Program is a rewards program owned, managed and operated by IndiGo linked to a co-branded card wherein members can earn 6E Rewards by using their co-branded card on IndiGo and other merchants and redeem the 6E Rewards for 6E Rewards’ Benefits.

Is 6E Rewards Program a frequent flier program?

The 6E Rewards Program is not a frequent flier program, but is a rewards program connected to a co-branded card wherein members can accrue 6E Rewards by using their co-branded card on IndiGo and other merchants and redeem the 6E Rewards for 6E Rewards’ Benefits which include IndiGo flights.

Where do I check status of my application for the co-branded card?

The application status can be checked on IndiGo’s website. Alternatively, customer can visit IndiGo Bank Partner’s website and check status using an application reference number, as may be provided while applying for the co-branded card.

I would like to make changes to my account. How can I do it?

Members can update their address, phone number and email under member login on IndiGo’s website. However, change of a Member’s name shall be permitted only upon a written notification by the Member to IndiGo, along with documents evidencing such name change.

How can I redeem 6E Rewards?

6E Rewards may be redeemed by a Member online, by logging into his or her Membership Account, for a 6E Rewards’ Benefits. Prior to any such redemption, it is necessary for members to ensure that they have completed the mobile number and email address verification process.

What is the validity of 6E Rewards?

6E Rewards are valid for 24 months from the date of accrual on a ‘first in first out basis’.

Will any fees be levied on redemption of 6E Rewards?

6E Rewards redemption will carry a service or redemption fee and applicable taxes in accordance with Government regulations.

What is 6E Rewards Program?

6E Rewards Program is a rewards program owned, managed and operated by IndiGo linked to a co-branded card wherein members can earn 6E Rewards by using their co-branded card on IndiGo and other merchants and redeem the 6E Rewards for 6E Rewards’ Benefits.

Is 6E Rewards Program a frequent flier program?

The 6E Rewards Program is not a frequent flier program, but is a rewards program connected to a co-branded card wherein members can accrue 6E Rewards by using their co-branded card on IndiGo and other merchants and redeem the 6E Rewards for 6E Rewards’ Benefits which include IndiGo flights.

Where do I check status of my application for the co-branded card?

The application status can be checked on IndiGo’s website. Alternatively, customer can visit IndiGo Bank Partner’s website and check status using an application reference number, as may be provided while applying for the co-branded card.

I would like to make changes to my account. How can I do it?

Members can update their address, phone number and email under member login on IndiGo’s website. However, change of a Member’s name shall be permitted only upon a written notification by the Member to IndiGo, along with documents evidencing such name change.

How can I redeem 6E Rewards?

6E Rewards may be redeemed by a Member online, by logging into his or her Membership Account, for a 6E Rewards’ Benefits. Prior to any such redemption, it is necessary for members to ensure that they have completed the mobile number and email address verification process.

What is the validity of 6E Rewards?

6E Rewards are valid for 24 months from the date of accrual on a ‘first in first out basis’.

Will any fees be levied on redemption of 6E Rewards?

6E Rewards redemption will carry a service or redemption fee and applicable taxes in accordance with Government regulations.

What is Retro claim?

For all your bookings done using the 6E Rewards card but without logging into the account, you can still claim these rewards using the Retro Claim option.

Which ID and Password do I use to log in to my IndiGo BluChip account?

IndiGo BluChip members to login with their newly created password

Can I use my IndiGo BluChip login id and password to login to my 6E Rewards account?

6E Reward members to use their existing 6E Rewards login id (registered mobile number) and password on 6E Rewards portal.