Payment Alerts

The amount has been deducted from my account however, I have not received the ticket?

There may be two types of situations where the amount may be deducted from your account but the ticket has not been generated:

Situation 1: The amount has been deducted from my card/ account; however I have not received the ticket? 

Situation2: The transaction has been captured by IndiGo via Net Banking, Maestro, ATM/Debit card, EzeClick, Citi Bank Reward Points, however, the ticket has not been generated. 

The situations above can have one of the two following outcomes: 

  • The amount received by us will automatically be refunded within 5 business days
  • In case it is not refunded then you may share the following Information with our contact center team or contact our customer experience team, please click here.
    • Transaction ID sent by IndiGo via email at the time of initiating the payment along with amount, date and time of transaction OR
    • PGI Reference number along with amount, date and time of transaction OR
    • Scanned copy of bank statement